accepted code contributions to major existing FOSS projects:
original/personal open source projects (or trivial "bang the rocks together" code samples):
- Dead By Zombie - opened the source of a snapshot of my original indie (and once commercial) Python Rogue-like about a zombie apocalypse
- TactiHack 2 - start of a rewrite of an old C curses game of mine (about modern tactical combat, as a topdown TBS) into Python with a GUI and client/server arch (Pygame, 0MQ)
- GenCV - resume & web CV generation tool (Python)
- StoryTory - story writing tool (Python)
- MockNews - fake news generator (Python)
- Empyreal - curses-based Empire-like turn-based strategy war game (Python)
- Apocaplypse Dawn a playable proof-of-concept spike of a text-based console mode game of survival and exploration in a post-nuclear holocaust America (C) [sshot]
- Cellulo - linear cellular automata simulator (Python CLI)
- Warconomy - multiplayer network client/server TBS war/economic conquest among modern countries (Python, Twisted, text/console)
TODO: prob put up more Java, maybe a little Flash/AS3, and some iPhone ObjC code
TODO: Shattered Stars, Imperium, War Command (C,OpenGL), Ganymede, Ekonomy, American Barons, Grio, WebMacheen, Pythulhu, Millenia, extract WH from DBZ; maybe NemesisBit and EduGamon; Adventureland, Stratenism, SpaceWrath, Starsea, Ekonomy, Legacy